Title: PhIP-04: DAO Contributor Compensation Framework and Initial Payments
Author(s): Justin Leroux
Related Discussions: RFC: Initial Compensation for DAO Contributors
Summary and Motivation
It is critical for Phonon DAO to provide incentives and a greater say in governance to those that are actively contributing value to our collective endeavor.
If approved, this proposal authorizes the allocation of DAO treasury PHONON to members for prior contributions and establishes a starting framework for ongoing compensation.
Amounts are listed in USD, but will be disbursed in PHONON based on the CoinGecko spot rate on the date of disbursement. This provides a greater increase in voting power for contributions when spot prices are low incentivizing early participation.
Ongoing Contribution Categories:
The DAO will use Coordinape or another sybil-resistant voting mechanism to allow all participating DAO members allocate funds for the following categories on a monthly basis.
Amounts should be adjusted regularly to reflect the DAO’s needs in each category. Ongoing payouts should begin in February 2022 with voting and disbursement happening in the first week of the following month.
Community Management - $4,000 monthly
- This category includes contributions to community organization and communications work across all DAO-owned communication channels and forums: Discord, Official Phonon DAO Blog Posts, Reddit, Twitter, etc. and should cover everything from additional moderation to being a top contributor welcoming new members, answering their questions, and pointing them to the best resources.
Media - $4,000 monthly
- This category is designed to incentivize content production across whatever channels community members opt to use personally: blogs, Instagram, newsletters, educational videos, memes, etc…
Documentation and Technical Writing - $2,000 monthly
- Phonon is a protocol DAO and there is a great deal of effort required to concisely and effectively communicate technical development details to a broader audience. This category is perfect for anyone who wants to write about the protocol, contribute to official documentation, and provide translations.
Design, Art, and Other DAO Assets - $2,000
- This should also cover graphic designers, videographers, and artists who can contribute work to enhance the official DAO communications channels and be shared and used by members.
Ad Hoc Payments For Prior Contributions:
Smart Contract Development and Code Review
- Mariano Conti - 8,000,000 PHONON vesting over 2 years
- Tim Coulter - 4,000,000 PHONON vesting over 2 years
Community Management
- DaVoice321 - 250,000 PHONON
- Dan Mueller - 150,000 PHONON
- Banan Tarr / Phononymous - 150,000 PHONON
- Senor - 150,000 PHONON
Phonon DAO Bootstrapping Group
$2000 monthly in PHONON paid out monthly for the group’s anticipated existence from January through April.
Participating Members:
- DaBoice321
- Justin Leroux
- Dan M
- Tim Coulter
- Mickey
- Andrew Bryley
- DeFi_Dad
- Francesco
- Banan Tarr / Phononymous
- Force of Nature
- CryptoPeebo
DAO Stewards
5,000,000 PHONON vesting over a two year period with vesting contract parameters set to allow the DAO to end a given member’s continued vesting at its discretion.
Initial DAO Stewards:
- Alpaca Fan
- Mariano Conti
- Tim Coulter
- DeFi Dad
- Dan Mueller
- Jonny Rhea
- Evan Van Ness
- Anthony Sassano
- Cyrus Younessi
150,000 PHONON each for the following publications.
- Dan Mueller - The Phonon Brief
- Phonongod - PheverDreams
Governance Vote Period
A Snapshot where PHONON holders can formally approve the PDBG membership will begin now and end on February 2, 2022. Snapshot Vote Here
Snapshot Vote Text
- For: Approve the disbursements outlined in PhIP-04.
- Against: Reject the disbursements outlined in PhIP-04.