PhIP-08 Allow DAO & Community Leaders To Head Working Groups


DAO and Community Leaders should be drawn from the most capable among us. Preventing them from running working groups is an unnecessary hurdle. This PhIP is to amend the governance charter “Mandates” section to allow leaders the opportunity to contribute as much as they can.



A DAO member may only hold one DAO Council position at a time. There is no limit to the amount of mandates a DAO member may serve, provided they are elected.

To read:

  1. A DAO member may only hold a single Layer 1 or Layer 2 DAO Council position at a time. There is no limit to the amount of simultaneous Layer 3 mandates a DAO member may serve, provided they are elected, but they still only get a single council vote, even in the event they also hold a Layer 1 or 2 position.

Plain English: A Working Group Lead may be a Working Group Lead for multiple simultaneous Working Groups. Additionally, a Working Group Lead may also simultaneously serve as either a DAO Leader or Community Leader. A DAO Leader may not serve as a Community Leader, and vice versa. In all of these situations, a person only gets 1 DAO Council vote, regardless of the number of positions they hold.

  • YES: Allow DAO & Community Leaders to head Working Groups
  • NO: Do Not Allow DAO & Community Leaders to head Working Groups
0 voters
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I think this threads the needle well between keeping individuals’ power in check and their potential unleashed.

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