Testnet Assistance Working Group Proposal

Testnet Assistance Working Group

This proposal is to create a Working Group to provide support for those who participate in the upcoming test net and visit our discord for assistance.


The testnet is coming soon. Phonon is a new technology, and we anticipate that people will have questions as to how to go about using the network and how they can earn the rewards being offered by Phonon DAO for their participation. This working group will provide general assistance in the DAO’s discord for users experiencing issues and/or questions regarding the testnet, rewards, and card readers.


  • Create documentation as to how to participate in the testnet.
  • Create a list of resources that will assist in the completion of the testnets tasks. (i.e. faucets, links to how to add RPC’s to your wallet, where to purchase the testkit)
  • Establish a team that will be available 24/7 so that responses can be addressed quickly and professionally.
  • Strive to provide helpful answers, documentation, graphics or even voice guidance in an attempt to resolve the issue with a single-pass. We want to have quality responses so the person doesn’t have to come back and ask the same question later and feel frustrated with the testnet experience.


We will be successful when we provide timely support to everyone who needs it. We do not plan to implement any ticketing system or post-support surveys, so success will be measured empirically.


I will need a team to cover as many time zones as possible. This will not be a full-time job for any of the team. I expect each member to be checking the testnet chat while they are able to within the time frame they’ve registered for. Because this team will be going for at least 21 days, I feel the team should have more people rather than fewer to prevent burn out. I will set a limit of 12 people max for the team. For the team members to be able to assist, they will need to have card readers so that they can work through the testnet themselves. As well as rewards for assisting people in a quality professional manner. Budget listed below:

Item Cost

Working Group Lead compensation $750

Team Member Compensation $5,500 ($500 for each member)

12 Phonon Developer Kits $1,548+shipping

Slush Fund rounding up to the nearest $1k: $202

TOTAL $8000 + cost of shipping for kits

This will not be an ongoing project. Upon receipt of funds, I anticipate we can complete the project in 4 weeks. I will create a new wallet on my Lattice1 for funds.

Working Group Lead Information

Discord Handle: Tuesdays#0001

Involvement thus far in the Phonon DAO: I run bots in the discord. I attend the weekly calls. And try to provide my help where I can. I took the lead to fight back against the recent bot attack and secure our discord server.

This working group is needed now because without it the experience of the testnet could be difficult for some and we potentially could love investors/future DAO members that could help bring this protocol to the masses.

Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal. I welcome your feedback going forward!

Do you agree with moving forward with the creation of this working group

  • Yes, everything looks good.
  • No, why would we ever offer support for our product.
  • Would like changes made prior to being comfortable with the working group and I will detail them below.

0 voters


Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal.

| No sir, thank you for putting this together

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Great initiative, Tuesdays.

I’d like to put myself forward as one of the team members. I’ve been playing with the alpha kit and think I’d be able to answer most questions that testers will have. Id be available 23:00 - 07:00 UTC.

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@tuesdays : Excellent. Sign me up scotty - especially updating FAQ (we should update this as we field questions, by the way) and vetting installation instructions. I too have been tinkering with the devkit since day 1, and would enjoy helping out.

We all have day jobs, but sign me up for M-F (13:00 - 02:00 UTC).

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@tuesdays I’d be happy to help to be a team member as well.

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@tuesdays I’d like to be considered for this group as well. I can monitor throughout most days. Some evenings and nights and weekends are open too. I can get started usually at 02:00 UTC and have flex.